Jaunting Sisters

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Amber's Profile

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Amber on the London Eye - November 2010 AMBER'S TRAVEL PROFILE

Profession: Photographer/Entrepreneur

Age Range: 20-24

Favorite Airport: Honolulu- it has amazing Japanese Gardens, I had a layover and just layed out in the gardens all day!

Favorite Hotels: Hotel Argo in Mykonos, Marriott in Grand Cayman, Luxor in Las Vegas, and above all, crashing with friends!

Favorite Airlines: Delta (buddy passes!)

Typical Departure City: Cincinnati (CVG)

Favorite Cities (so far): Florence, Venice, Capri, Sydney, Santorini, Paris, Gold Coast

A great vacation can include: History, relaxation, good food, good companions, meeting great people along the way

Best Travel tip: Pack light and leave room for souvenirs!

Favorite activities: Photography, painting, and traveling

Favorite Genres of Music: House, Techno

Favorite Website: www.AmberBridgesStudios.com

Top three best travel moments:

Washington D.C. 2010 - My boyfriend and I were in DC and went on a tour of the White House. We got to meet Mrs. Obama and she complimented me on my outfit! I like her more for her fashion standpoints rather than her political standpoints anyway.

Florence, Italy 2007-2008 - I studied in Italy in 2007 and had an amazing time. The following year, the Kerr cousins were able to go with me back to Florence and we had a party on the rooftop of a friend's house that was from the 12th century and overlooked all of Florence. Talk about breathtaking!

Australian Coast 2008
- In 2007 I met a friend while in Paris, we stayed in touch, and the following year while I was studying in Australia, he came and met up with me. Along with his friends, we rented a camper-van and went on a road trip along the eastern coast of Australia. We stopped at beaches during the day and drove north at night. It was definitely a hippie experience!

Funniest travel moment:

CVG Airport 2010 - I was traveling with my family (Mom, Dad, little brother, and little sister) to Cayman Island. Although I have traveled around the world by myself, they are still very protective of me when I am with them.  As we were getting on a shuttle/train in the the CVG airport to go to the next terminal, my parents got on but my brother, sister, and I were not able to make it on. As the doors shut my parents start freaking out. My brother, sister, and I stood there calmly and tried to tell them we will get on the next tram and see them in a minute at the terminal.  Seeing my parents freaking out that their children were left behind, other passengers were concerned. They asked my parents how old their children were, expecting them to say a toddler or small child. When they answered, 22, 16, and 14, none of the passengers commented.

Worst travel moment:

Gold Coast, Australia 2008
- I studied abroad in Australia in 2008. I had a buddy pass, but it turned into a nightmare by not getting on the flights I needed and having to purchase a ticket last minute. By the time I got to my dorm in Australia, it had been over 72 hours with no bed or shower. When I got to my dorm in the middle of the night, I was by myself, saw a cockroach run across the bathroom floor, was exhausted, and I just started crying. The next day I met a bunch of amazing friends and it ended up being a perfect study abroad experience.

© 2013 Jaunting Sisters.
Written on Wednesday, 09 March 2011 21:06 by Amber Bridges

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